Nepali Bhasa Manyata Diwas

Sikkim University Official Website

Nepali Bhasa Manyata Diwas

Vice- Chancellor Prof.Jyoti Prakash Tamang lighting the ceremonial lamp at the 26th Nepali Bhasa Manyata Diwas programme organised by the Dept. of Nepali on 24th August 2018

Dr.Puspa Sharma, Head of Department of Nepali addressing the gathering at the programme

Students of the Department of Nepali recite the verses from the Ramayana

Dr.Kabita Lama, Dean School of Languages and Literature presents her views on the Nepali Poet Bhanubhakta Acharya

Students of the Department of Nepali present a group song

Prof.RudraPoudyal, President Nepali SahityaParishad, Sikkim addressing the gathering at the programme

Mr. Rakesh Basnett, Asstt. Prof. Department of Commerce recites a Nepali poem at the programme

Nepali dance being performed by the students of the Department of Nepali

Prof. Nawal Kishore Paswan, Dean School of Social Sciences speaks on the importance of language and its role in culture diffusion at the programme

“Bhailani” presentation by the students of the Department of Nepali

Vice- Chancellor Prof.Jyoti Prakash Tamang addressing the gathering at the 26th Nepali BhasaManyataDiwas

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